Monday, 9 August 2010

Summer Hiatus - over!

Well it’s been a while since I have posted anything of real interest. I have been spending the summer working on a new project, ‘Project Number One’ - original! I am hoping to have a separate blog wholly dedicated to that up and running in October/November of this year if possible.

Over the Summer there has been much to talk about. On the techie side, there is the new iPhone 4 (which is pretty sweet) , the new operating system iOS4, JailbreakMe 2.0 (I’ve now installed this on my old 3G), the rise of Android, my ever growing love for Google tools (not Wave) and the essential question of ‘Can I justify buying an iPad?’ to name but a few. These are some of the topics I will blog on.

On the comics side, there has been a lot of cool things coming out of the US over the Summer, mostly relating to SD Comic Con. There is much to say on Thor, Avengers, Captain America, Batman 3, Green Lantern and Tron Legacy. As for some of the current ongoing arcs, Daredevil: Shadowland is so far pretty awesome - I keep saying this but Daredevil is the closest character Marvel have to Batman. Grant Morrison seems to have been working overtime on the whole Batman RIP continuation and missing chapters - so far I’m not convinced on The Return of Bruce Wayne.

Well, that’s enough for now and the most I have blogged for about three months - hopefully I can get this back up and running again.

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