As any avid reader of this blog will know I am a comic fan... lover... collector. I'd like to think that in the future, with a family and old age I will still collect these prize possessions. They are fun. Escapism. Fantasy. When they are beautifully drawn and magnificently worded, my fantasy world becomes a very special place.
"Giles" in Buffy was a great exponent of books. He liked the smell. He thought they were smelly. Computers seemed rather too un-human for his liking. I don't remember the season (it was an early one) but I remember the scene well... Because even though I love technology and I love anything forward thinking, I do get his point. I agree with it. Ok I am thinking comics and he is thinking books but the rationale is the same. I do like my books and comics as hard copies.
Marvel, DC and independents all seem to be carving a bit of a market for themselves. The iPhone, the iPad - computers generally, all seem to be nice and sexy platforms for comics. I'm on the fence! Crap, I know. What do you think? Will digital replace print?