Saturday, 22 January 2011


Batman. So we know it is called ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ and is due to be released in 2012. We now know some of the extra characters. Anne Hathaway (The Devil Wears Prada) plays Catwoman and Tom Hardy (Inception) plays villain Bane. So the film version of the story arc 'prey' is not true. Shame! I re-read it and thought it was very good.

Favourite Apple iOS apps

I like to think of myself as someone who really gets good use out of his gadgets and for the most part I think this is true. In the last few years the word 'app' short for 'application' has become the term of choice to describe 'software'. This of course is thanks to Apple. Now I am not the biggest App downloader but I do enjoy good software when I see it. So I thought I would highlight some really useful apps that are maybe overlooked by the mainstream websites that regularly run this kind of column.

Appshopper. (iPhone and iPad) This is an alternative view of the App Store. Now there is nothing wrong with the App Store as it stands, but what this little bit of software does is shows you in a neat way prices and price discounts. So, you can very easily choose ‘Lifestyle’ let's say and view all free lifestyle apps and those that have come down in price. Most times I have used it I have downloaded an app for free that previously cost at least .59p. It all adds up. Sweet!

Lovefilm. (iPhone) As a site and a business model, I'm a pretty big fan of Lovefilm (now majority owned by Amazon). Other than a few missing rental DVDs, there is a pretty good selection that for the most part arrives pretty quickly. What I love about the free app is that I can access my lists on my phone. This is great for those moments when you are out for pint (or two) with friends and someone says 'oh I checked out The Third Man' and you think damn I must watch that. A few finger clicks on your iPhone and the film is added to your list, ready to be shipped out. Put a 'high' priority on it and Robert is your father’s brother. I like it.

Litenotes. (iPad) The very program that I am writing this blog draft on. This was a free app I picked up a few weeks back and it is nothing more than your most basic note taking program but I love the way you can enlarge the text with the pincer movement and with a flip of the page as if it is a book leads to the next note. It's so simple yet works so well. In addition one touch and it is saved into your email drafts. The simplicity makes this program.

Dryncwine. (iPhone) This is a fantastic little app that I have been using on the iPhone for a good while now and in fact I have been banging on about it a lot. Two great things about this. You can record any wine you have drunk, wanted or owned in this app. You can rate it, chastise it or simply expel your love for it. You can also access a very large pre-existing database and search your wine to see what others have been saying about it. Take a picture of the label and add it to your virtual cellar. This app is perfect for anyone who has ever tried to remember a wine that they have drunk far too much of. Genius.

Due 26th January 2011

Avengers #9
Deadpool Corps #9
Deadpool Corps #10
Detective Comics #873
Green Arrow #8 Brightest Day
Justice League Generation Lost #18
Secret Avengers #9
Ultimate Comics Avengers 3 #6 (Of 6)
X-Men #7
Zatanna #9