Friday, 30 April 2010

The first post - a wake up call

Turns out you can procrastinate for ages over what to write as a first blog post. Limited instructions and a vague remit don’t help.

There are lots of apps to assist blogging and although I don’t use any I am a little bit addicted to the app store and also apps-about-the-app store – Pandora’s Box being a useful one. I hope I’ve linked that properly. But it was old school media – a “magazine” if you will - which alerted me to Sleepy Traveller – the app you need when you end up in Weymouth after a drunken night out and sleep through your Guildford stop (Pete).

Sleepy Traveller* works by setting off an alarm when your GPS reaches a pre-selected destination. For obvious reasons it won’t work if your end station is underground but I guess worst case scenario underground you end up at the end of the line, not in a different County/local dialect area.

I haven’t been able to test it properly (ie. Drunkenly) as my end station is underground – but I did a sober test and (dependent on the reliability of your iphone’s GPS) it seems to work. Sometimes the simplest ideas are best and as it’s currently free in the app store you can’t go wrong. And if the price goes up to £0.59 you can’t go far wrong. Cheapskate.

Will be that much better when we get multitasking (with 4G?) so you can play games/text and email drunkenly as well as getting woken up when approaching home.

There are loads of iphone apps which apparently soothe you to sleep and one (Sleep Cycle*) which measures how good your sleep is. But this one is a handy solution to what must be a very common problem. It can’t be just me and Pete.

*Link to US site. Well, I can’t find the UK link. You find it.