Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Geek catch up

So Siege is actually pretty good. Issue #3 was excellent. Tony is back. Cap is being cool. Thor is being God like and Osborn showed his true colours lol. All round excellent issue and looking forward to the finale.

Dark Avengers is still going well. I have really enjoyed the run and am conscious that in line with Siege is soon to come to an end. Issue #15 was pretty cool and is lining up the Sentrys' character nicely.

Blackest Night - lost. I have so many titles that I haven't yet read and the prospect is quite daunting. When Brightest Day comes out, I will probably collect the main arc and leave the tie-ins unless something looks awesome.

Captain America - Chris Evans has been cast apparently as Steve Rogers. Not sure about this. There seem to be limited actors who can play comic book heroes - he already played Johnny Storm. But He did that well and I liked him in Push, so we will just have to wait and see.

Haunt - Think I have said this before, but it is excellent. I think the first trade is out already - you should definitely pick it up.