Monday, 1 February 2010

New York Trip YAY!!!!

End of Feb - we are going to New York (my wife and I). Well excited. Have given some thought to the different things we could do in our five days in the city that never sleeps.

Here is a little taster:

Columbus Avenue Market - leafing through old comic books - sweet!
Movieoke - re-enact favourite movie scenes!
Visit Yoda in Queens - Museum of Moving Image
Mintons Jazz House - Miles dubbed it as the Black Jazz Capital of the World!
Met Museum - cocktails on the Roof Garden - Sweet!

Plenty more to follow :-)

Revenge of the Fallen.

So Revenge of the Fallen. Wanted to see this at the cinema when it came out, but never got round to it. So Saturday night, watched it on DVD. It was one of those films where I could not stop saying ‘cool’ under my breath repeatedly. This of course was due to the fact that the effects for the most part are awesome. Really awesome. Story…not so much. Acting…ok. Dialogue…couldn’t hear it. Action and effects…awesome. Slow-mo robot fighting! What more do you want? No really…what more do you want? Yep I was a kid again watching this…well I kinda am a kid most of the time anyway but this enhanced that. One of the things that I now want to do (and this is the geek in me) – I want to go through both Transformer films and see which Transformers appeared in the original Hasbro cartoon. There were definitely a lot of additions. Very cool film though.