Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Batman: Under The Hood

This looks pretty sweet!

<a href="" target="_new" title="Exclusive: 'Batman: Under the Red Hood' trailer">Video: Exclusive: 'Batman: Under the Red Hood' trailer</a>

Thanks MSN and Comicvine.

Quick Catch-up

We are already way into Convention season - all taking place in the US. The most recent was C2E2, which I think was the first one! CBR and Comicvine both have extensive coverage of this - interviews of all the key players, outlines of various panel groups etc etc. All worth a look.

What I have been reading.

X-men. I have read three of the Second Coming arc and actually, I am enjoying it. As I stated in a previous post, I have never really been a massive X-man/X-men fan, but so far the story and art has been enjoyable. I hate that each chapter is in a different title, but other than that, I think I will keep reading - although I think there is 14 chapters, so we will see if they can continue the good work.

Turf by Jonathan Ross and Tommy Lee Edwards. I read the first issue yesterday and I have to say, I thought it was pretty good. It is a well known fact that Mr Ross is a massive comic geek (good on him) and indeed it is clear that he has obviously always wanted to write a comic of his own (don't we all). CBR have a 25 minute video interview with him that is very entertaining and shows his love for both comic collecting and reading and now writing. I did try to embed it, but for some reason it didn't work. It can be found here however:

With clearly years of pent up 'comic writing ideas' in him, it is no surprise that the first issue is particularly wordy...there are a lot of balloons. It is reminiscent of Kevin Smith in terms of the amount of words...I like it. You feel you are getting a proper story...with proper story backgrounds. His love for genres as well, comes through in this have vampires, gangsters and aliens. But it works! Finally, the art. It really works. If you read it, you will notice the darkness of the book. TLE absolutely nails the setting and each panel is a joy to look at. Yes, I am looking forward to the next issue.

Random stuff: Thor is getting a second title; there is to be a re-do/update of the Marvel Infinity Gauntlet storyline; Time Masters: Vanishing Point is coming out from DC, which will run side to side with The Search for Bruce Wayne (not sure of release dates).

Finally, I am currently reading an excellent comic/graphic novel called Logicomix and I have to say it is really really good. It tells the story of Bertrand Russell and his search for an understanding on maths and philosophy. It is beautifully drawn and it just reads like a classic film - one you will watch repeatedly. It is a marvelous find.

No Comics this week

Due to an 'apparent' dust plume that has brought the country to a stand-still, no comics will be available for purchase tomorrow in London (I don't know if other places further north have had better luck). Disappointed but hey, what can you do. We will just have to watch this see when they are next shipped in.

What I do have on my buy list is:

Batman Streets Of Gotham #11
Devil #3 (Of 4)
Green Lantern #53 Brightest Day
Justice League Of America #44
Ultimate Comics Avengers #6