Friday, 3 June 2011

Due 8 June 2011

I am going to choose my words very carefully. Holy fuck! It had dawned on me the other week that I needed to review my existing comics pull list and maybe bin some titles - those that were either shit or had characters that were of less interest. It would seem that DC have other ideas - and I can't work out if they are trying to get me to buy more comics or trying to put me off. For those of you who are not aware, on Tuesday, it was announced that DC were revamping, relaunching, call it what you will, all their titles in September of this year. Yes all titles. All starting at number 1. That is 52 new issue 1. And on top of that they will all have new costumes. Is this necessary? I like the fact that my collection is in number order. I don't want to have to start filing again. What next? Is Batman going to become the powerful one and Superman the human? Well I called here first.

It is a relaunch (not reboot) and it is post Flashpoint which as is becoming more and more apparent is not just a mini series but a story arc that will change the whole DC universe in it's entirety. I like the idea of keeping things fresh, especially in fiction that is long running, but the audience... the customers are buying these characters because they are what they are... Now. Not what they could be. A variation of them... An elseworld is cool, but it is not necessary the best and most successful long term future. If Marvel had not started the .1 issues, would DC have reacted with this? Don't get me wrong - I'll probably still buy the comics - but will I be spending more or less come September? Time will tell. As an aside, lots of info is beginning to filter out on the new September line up. I'll post on as and when.

Due 8 June 2011

Batman And Robin #24
Birds Of Prey #13
Black Panther Man Without Fear #519
Flashpoint Citizen Cold #1 (Of 3)
Flashpoint Deathstroke The Curse Of Ravager #1 (Of 3)
Flashpoint Emperor Aquaman #1 (Of 3)
Flashpoint Frankenstein Creatures Of Unknown #1 (Of 3)
Red Robin #24