Sunday, 9 August 2009


I have just canceled Deadpool from my standing order. Not that it was a series that I was massively into, but I wanted to try it out as many comic based forums had dudes raving about how cool the character was and that the Wolverine movie was going to have a Deadpool spin off etc etc. Well I bought three issues (the Hawkeye/Bullseye) run in and I must say I found the issues good fun. To be fair, Deadpool is quite cool and he does have some pretty awesome lines. BUT, I found that three issues was enough. The story wasn't exactly stuff legends are made of. It had it's moments and the banter between the two main characters is pretty sweet. But I have had my fill for now. Maybe the odd mini or one shot going forward.


SilverSurfer said...

I have always loved this character. You should give him a few more reads.

Pete said...

Like I said, I will delve into the odd story arc if it looks cool.