Thursday, 30 December 2010

Due 7th January 2011

Avengers Prime #5 (Of 5)
Brightest Day #17
Green Hornet #12
Ultimate Comics Captain America #1 (Of 4)

A small pile for the start of the year - probably a good thing bearing in mind that it is January and everyone is skint, including me.

Sunday, 26 December 2010

Due 30 December 2010

Avengers #8
Batman The Dark Knight #1
Carnage #2 (Of 5)
Deadpool Corps #9
Detective Comics #872
Flash #8 Brightest Day
Gotham City Sirens #18
Green Arrow #7 Brightest Day
Green Hornet #12
Green Lantern #61 Brightest Day
Ultimate Comics Avengers 3 #5 (Of 6)

The last comic drop of 2010 and it has been a pretty good year for comics. From the previews I've seen 2011 looks to be pretty good too. I'll have to get used to the Wednesday comics though.

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Due 23 December 2010

Batman Annual #28 (maybe)
Batman Incorporated #2
Batman Streets Of Gotham #18
DC Universe Legacies #8 (Of 10)
Green Lantern Corps #55 Brightest Day
Haunt #12
Justice League Generation Lost #16 BD
Nemesis #4 (Of 4)
Secret Avengers #8
Superior #3 (Of 6)
X-Men #6
Zatanna #8

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Snow fuelled thoughts

Ok. The snow is back which means more blogging it seems.

Generation Lost. This was one of those titles that I decided to buy just so I wouldn't miss any Brightest Day events or tie ins. I thought it might last a few issues. We are now about 12 issues in, maybe more but I have to say it is really very good. I wasn't overly familiar with the characters although Booster Gold I know from 52. I would highly recommend this to anyone who is looking for a well drawn, well told DC comic. In recent issues the tie in to the Kingdom Come DC future is pretty cool. This comic deserves some respect.

Cloud Computing. We are not quite there yet - where everything (and I mean everything) that you own can be accessed from any of your devices. I dream of this. I dream of the time that I am in NY lets say at a comic con and I have a few hours to kill. I really want to watch Kick-Ass. It is stored on my computer at home (and has been made available by me for any contact) and so without having to buy or rent it again, I can watch it on my iPad, iPhone, laptop... Whatever. Now with a bit of setting up I probably could do this now but it is not user friendly. I simply want to right click on my files at home and decide which ones I want to make accessible, or with one click make it all accessible. Obviously with a little protection. But you get my point.

It is an exciting prospect and one that looms ever closer. Never again do you need to spend time forward planning which files and folders that need transferred onto computers and laptops. It is all in one place and can be accessed as you need it. I spent a little time looking into it insofar as I wanted to access certain files on both my iPad and iPhone (i.e. they will essentially shadow each other). MobileMe seems like a popular choice but costs and I am not ready to go down that road as a PC user. DropBox seems like an excellent free version for both iPad and iPhone. I have downloaded it but am yet to experiment with it. I will blog my findings.

Formats. That word may be boring for some but for me it is a world of possibilities. There is always a battle. Betamax v VHS. Vinyl v CD. Atrac v mp3. .vid v .avi etc. You get the gist. Now, I am thinking that for the most part mp3 is here to stay. Yes there will be variations, but the basic premise for now will remain the same. You can get better quality formats, but they are harder to work and take up more space on your beloved HDDs or indeed your cloud space. As for movies, iTunes favours the .mov format, which is good, but not overly versatile. It means converting anything that isn't purchased through the store which is an arse. Now surprisingly Apple have made available alternative video players for the likes of the iPad - but from what I have seen so far they are pretty crap. So, I say - a format war is coming - 2011 - I think we will see embedded software like iPad videos being capable of playing more than just .mov.

Green Hornet. I saw the trailer for this and reckon that it looks pretty good. I find Seth Rogen a bit irritating - I think it's his voice (sounds like he has inhaled a full pack of cigarettes in one go) although Superbad is cool. Anyway, I have been reading Kevin Smiths' run on the Green Hornet comic and it has been excellent (it has just come to an end - I'd recommend you get your hands on it when it comes out in trade). My understanding was that when Kevin was tasked with writing a script for a Green Hornet film this was what he came up with. Things got a bit messy and the film never got made. So he made it as a comic instead and what an awesome comic it was. Anyway, that meant a new script was needed and that is what you have with the film. Rogen playing the Hornet, a young male Kato ( the young Kato is female in the comic). The trailer looks like a lot of good effects meshed with humour and of course a moral tale woven within (as is the case with all superhero movies, unless you are Mark Millar).

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Wednesday thoughts

Wednesday thoughts

So next year the comics are coming in on a Wednesday (if you're in the UK). I don't think that makes a massive difference. The US gets them on a Tuesday now. I suppose for us it is cool that we can do the whole Wednesday is comic day line from Heroes. Or not. I have had to put a reminder in my calendar otherwise I will forget. Things change.

At the beginning of this year I set myself a resolution to try and blog more. Overall I think I have achieved that. Yes there have been a few lists (I have explained that this is a good way for me to keep track of my collection), but there have definitely been more substantive blogs than last year.

Kapow Comic Con.

So London gets a comic con. Mark miller seems to be driving it hard. I have to say it is attractive insofar that the US has it all when it comes to the Comic Con. I'm lucky that have made it over there for one, but hell it isn't cheap to get there or easy in the grand scheme of things. So a London based one is a good start. So April next year we get a taste. I'm keen. Now I just need to get my ticket and convince others to attend.

Oh, Tron: Legacy. Nearly there. Soooo excited!

The weather and the snow

Please note: this post was written when the cold snap originally hit the UK.

As a Scotsman, I have to say in all honesty, that snow doesn't bother me. The wind and the cold doesn't bother me either. The rain... Well, not ideal but I can cope. But with memories of my formative years trying to battle my way to school through blizzards and serious hardcore cold snaps and eventually making it, when the bloody trains are not working into Waterloo, it is pretty feckin annoying.

In the last week, I seem to have spent more time in Waterloo than a homeless person without a home, who happens to be quite found of Waterloo and it's cosy cavern spaces.

I don't mind Waterloo, but I don't want to live there. Nor do I want to have to spend any more time in the less than adequate bars on offer.

Anyway, there is a point to this blog - gadgets. Or more specifically, the iPad. Since Tuesday last week, I have either been stuck at Waterloo (I know, I am entering this blog into the contest for the most mentions of the word or place, Waterloo), on an actual slow moving train (sometimes moving) or in a coffee shop/bar waiting for said train to arrive and take me home. So in those periods I have had considerable time to play with the iPad ( as have many other people I might add as I notice more and more using them).

So firstly, Pages. I have blogged about it before, but it is pretty feckin excellent (please note that as I write this I am on a slow train to Guildford after two previous trains were cancelled. It is 10 o'clock on a Monday night and I am not even close to being home). Pages is even better now with the update. For the basics it meets every need apart from a folder structure - I hope they bring that in soon. It is intuitive, comfortable and most of all easy on the eye. Highly recommend it... In fact I can't recommend it enough. It turns the iPad into a serious word processing offering (this was a massive sell for me).

Comics. As a comic lover I was somewhat dubious about digital versions but I have to say, the Marvel and Comixology apps are excellent, as is the DC app. The art looks pretty sharp and clear and the viewers are intuitive. I will definitely be downloading some stories I am not familiar with and getting up to speed.

Movies. Watching film on the Videos app (which I think is essentially the iPod videos section) is pretty good - but is highly dependent on the format of the video. If you have downloaded it from iTunes then you wont have any problem (other than maybe the price which for many things I think is not competitive). If not then you will have had to convert it. There are many options and I am still playing around with this. So far I seem to be having success, but I will blog about it in the new year when I have carried out some proper tests.

3G. I'd highly recommend that you get one with 3G capability. Wi-fi is great but is not always available in the UK. The 3G option gives you the added dimension. On a train, you want to access the Internet, assuming you have connection (just like your phone) you can and all is well in the world again.

Well, I could bollock on about the iPad and gadgets until the cows come home (which I suspect will be before I get home tonight) so I am going to watch Kick-Ass on my iPad and I'll see you shortly.

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Due 16 December 2010

Batman #705
Batman And Robin #18
Birds Of Prey #7
Black Panther Man Without Fear #513
Brightest Day #16
Green Hornet #11
Green Lantern #60 (Brightest Day)
Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #5
Tron Original Movie Adaptation #2 (Of 2)

The Shadowland story arc has come to an end and now Hells Kitchen requires a new hero - step in Black Panther. Could be interesting.

Monday, 6 December 2010

Wow you non-IT people sure are stupid. has an interesting article about the "Top 10 delusions about technology".

It's obviously a nice broad title which gives scope for IT hacks to moan about the layman's ignorance of pretty much anything tech-related, but as usual it's articulate and amusing. I always enjoy reading the Mac v Windows wars in the Comments section.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Due 9 December 2010

Batgirl #16
Detective Comics Annual #12
First Wave #5 (Of 6)
Flash #7 Brightest Day
Justice League Generation Lost #15 BD
Red Robin #18
Shadowland After Fall #1

Another fairly quiet week.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Due 2 December 2010

Batman 80 Page Giant 2010 #1
Brightest Day #15
Daredevil #512 SL
Shadowland #5 (Of 5) SL
Supergod #5 (Of 5)

Quiet this week - probably a good thing. The end of Shadowland is here - I have a few issues still to read - perfect for a Christmas afternoon read.