Monday 11 July 2011

Flashpoint kicks Fear Itself in the stones

So firstly, Fear Itself from Marvel. We are 3/4 issues in (I can't even remember) and I have to say, it is a load of gash (4 issues). Prior to its release I was quite looking forward to it. Marvel normally do the epic universe story quite well (see Siege and Secret Invasion). Fear Itself is not one of them. It doesn't feel fresh or exciting. I'm struggling to feel that I even care. Of course I will read it to the end, but I won't be getting involved in any of the tie-ins.

Flashpoint on the other hand has so far been awesome. I would recommend that you read this (even if you don't normally partake in comics). The great thing about Flashpoint is that it has taken the whole DC Universe and turned it on its head. The main title has a twist in each issue that just makes you smile - especially the last page of the first issue.

What is also great about Flashpoint is that the tie-ins have also been for the most part excellent. Spoilers ahead (Selina Kyle is Oracle, crippled, Hal Jordan does not get the ring from Abin Sur when he crash lands, Jason Todd is a priest, Guy Gardner owns a pub and James Gordon knows the identity of Batman). Nice little touches as the stories span the whole DC Universe. On top of all this, we know that a big change is coming with the new 52 #1's. So far DC seem to be really getting it right. Again if you are going to buy any tie-in, you must read the Batman one. Really excellent. Wait to you see the last page of issue 2. Quality!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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