Sunday 7 March 2010

March - catch up

So a quick update. It has been a mental few months. My last proper post was a good few weeks ago, so I thought a quick 'bring us up to speed' session was in order.

Was in New York last week for 5 days. Awesome. 2 days of snow. It felt like a movie set. Managed to get to Mid Town Comics and St Marks Comics. Oh what a joy. Managed to get a few classic Batman issues from the 60's - excellent condition. Oh and a few cheeky daredevil titles!

Dark Avengers - so an Avenger did die - got a bit of a kicking right? Not really sure where that story is going to go, but enjoyed issue 2 - cool Avengers Initiative cover with Deadpool (though I am tiring of him) - check it out.

Managed to get to the end of Season 3 of Heroes - cool! But I didn't see that coming. Kinda confused actually but hey, it is heroes, so whatever happened, probably didn't.

First Wave - read the first issue this weekend - really liked it. The Spirit is a character I thought I wouldn't like but I found it thoroughly enjoyable and looking forward to the next installment. Will be interesting to see how a young inexperienced Batman comes into play.

Cry for Justice - I think this lost its way as the issues went on. Having said that - the very last scene was very cool. I have started to read the Justice League of America and actually quite enjoy it. Justice League Rise And Fall Special #1 looks like it will be fun.

Oh and Detective Comics #27 sold for $1,075,500 while I was away. Amazing. Wish I was the lucky buyer...would I sell? Not sure I would. Anyway it is great that these original classics are fetching the numbers they deserve.

That's all folks!

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