Sunday 21 February 2010

Kick Ass

There are a lot of clips and teasers kicking around online of the upcoming Kick Ass movie. I have to say it looks like a lot of fun. A lot of action, much blood, a hell of a lot of swearing and what looks like a lot of comedy. I haven't read the original comic run but will definitely be getting it in trade before watching the movie. Mark Millar has always been a favourite of mine, so I hope the film does well.

Mr Millar has also been commented on for his thoughts on the Superman franchise (again). I would definitely be keen to see what he would come up with but I am not convinced on a whole re=telling again - right from the beginning. We know what happens - we know the origin story. What we need is a bad-ass superman story where we see him up against similarly powerful characters in a predominantly human world.

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